Tuesday 22 March 2016

        Teachers Can Really Hurt 

last year .

I had a really hard time because of a teacher . When I first heard I had her. I was over the moon with happiness .She was meant to be a very good sports person which so she could be coaching our school team which I was very happy about . Anyway the year started in the class room. I was upset and she knew I was. She made me write sentences after sentences thinking it would make me better. I told her I couldn't do it and she shouted at me . see teachers don't understand how it feels to be me . All I really want is a teacher to expect me and to tell me they don't understand but they will try and help me . This did upset me a small bit but I knew it was school and it was going to hard anyway . Bad teacher or not . 

It was the sport that really upset me .She was now the coach of the sports team. I was the best player as I knew that because i had been pick to represent the school for the sport in competitions and the boys in the class told me I was good. Coachs are always a small bit hard on the best player but this felt like bulling . I think she was a bit much to but it in the nicest words and angry teenager would . I felt bad about myself . I did event want to play anymore. The only reason I played the hole season was because I play for who I am not that mean lady . This is hard as it gets me a very sad . i will always remember this no matter how hard I try to forget this. I think this line will really sum up now i felt 

       The fact that she thought so little of me made me think so little of myself .

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