Tuesday 22 March 2016

        Teachers Can Really Hurt 

last year .

I had a really hard time because of a teacher . When I first heard I had her. I was over the moon with happiness .She was meant to be a very good sports person which so she could be coaching our school team which I was very happy about . Anyway the year started in the class room. I was upset and she knew I was. She made me write sentences after sentences thinking it would make me better. I told her I couldn't do it and she shouted at me . see teachers don't understand how it feels to be me . All I really want is a teacher to expect me and to tell me they don't understand but they will try and help me . This did upset me a small bit but I knew it was school and it was going to hard anyway . Bad teacher or not . 

It was the sport that really upset me .She was now the coach of the sports team. I was the best player as I knew that because i had been pick to represent the school for the sport in competitions and the boys in the class told me I was good. Coachs are always a small bit hard on the best player but this felt like bulling . I think she was a bit much to but it in the nicest words and angry teenager would . I felt bad about myself . I did event want to play anymore. The only reason I played the hole season was because I play for who I am not that mean lady . This is hard as it gets me a very sad . i will always remember this no matter how hard I try to forget this. I think this line will really sum up now i felt 

       The fact that she thought so little of me made me think so little of myself .

Dear reader if you like please follow me and shout out my page thanks for reading 


Monday 21 March 2016

                               Holidays Not

That amazing feeling when your for more then two weeks and you can be happy . your starting to see freedom ...  but your mother tells you have to study . Like come on!!!I just got out of the place but I guess . I better just get on with it . Studying all this week . Next week I'm free . Easter eggs all around. 

Monday 14 March 2016

                                               i believe in us 

Teacher please change the way you see us . I sit at the back of my pass english class when I look around my class I see lots of kids most of them don't do languages like myself . See the thing about me that people don't know is I love to write poetry and I know they are very good because people have told me .That do not know me in anyway. See my english teacher has never ones asked her class to write a poem  . I  know I am in this class because of my dyslexia .

 See I think we can do anything and nothing can hold us back . Dyslexia is a very small thing to us , to ours teachers it means not very good at school and to a teacher school means everything.  i am better then what ever one teacher in that school thinks 

I don't think as dyslexics we have to prove them wrong. I think we have know in ours minds that we are smart people . we have so much to offer this big world and we can do want ever we want in this world ones we work hard and I no school is not for us but we have to make do with what we have .School will never be my cup of tea but its the only way I will get a job doing what I love . Please read next posted . Now stop for minute but down the laptop look around you. see all the wonderful things around us everyday.